Saturday, March 5, 2011

March for Life!!!

Yesterday, we had a march rally regarding in disapproving for the RH Bill to be implemented. So we assembled in DE PAUL COLLEGE and there are also other schools with us such as the Colegio De San Jose, Iloilo Central Commercial High School, SAGRADO and etc. So we marched or parade from DE PAUL going to the Jaro Plaza Gym but we didn’t proceed directly inside instead we marched around the plaza and there we went inside the Jaro Plaza Gym. And there we had a mass and it was no that successful because the microphone was not working well and as well as the sound system. So we just let the mass go on led by Bishop Almenazi and the Knights of Columbus and then after the mass we went home immediately because if we will still stay we could go home around 6 p.m. because we are still going to listen to the speakers and attend the program. So we just went home without any learning about their side in implementing the RH Bill which we are going to make a reaction paper about. Unfortunately, we went home because if we will stay we still can’t hear and understand because as I said earlier the sound system and the microphone is not working well.

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