Monday, November 22, 2010

Moments going to downtown!! :D

Yesterday, November 22, 2010! Me and Mandee Bernadas were tasked to go to downtown and buy some props from there especially the gold cloth that is 3 meters and worth 23 pesos per meter along with the cloth are the brown paint and 3 pieces of dark green cartolina. First, we traveled from school to YMCA and then we rode the Bo. Obrero jeepney going to Taylay near the Central Public Market, when we arrived there, I immediately asked the saleslady if what is the cheapest cloth and then she said " Gena Cloth " so I said if we can see it and then we saw it and then we asked for the gold gena cloth. After that, we walked from Taylay going to Ace Hardware to buy a can of Mahogany paint but before that we went to the school supplies area and we looked for 3 pieces of dark green cartolina but unfortunately, we didn't find one, so we went to Ace Hardware and there find the paint. After that, we went to Atrium and look again for the darek green cartolina and there at last we found but unfortunately again, it lacks 1 but we dicided to buy the two and just go home, anyway, we are tired of walking. And lastly, we went to school to get our baga but the moment we entered the campus we were terrified because the campus was so dark and there's no one there excpet for dormers who were eating their dinner at the Refectory so when we wen tin to get our bags near the Casa Santa we noticed a lady walikg and as if she is floating in the air and my hair in my arms went up and so I ran away so fast going to the growth community office. We are about to ask Ms. Talaman to help us get our bags but we saw Sir. Secular inside the Highschool Growth com. and so we decided that insteaed of Ms. Talaman it will be sir. Heheheheh!!.. :D So we successfully got our bags and we went home exhausted.!!!!

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